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Shanghai Cloud Vision Network Co., Ltd. visited Qatar in November

Release time:2019-11-21 16:56

On November 9, Mr. Zhang Yijun, chairman of Shanghai Cloud Vision Network Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Cloud Vision Network”) led the company team to Qatar for a week-long business visit.

With the assistance of the partner Taleb Group, Cloud Vision Network successfully completed visits to Qatar mobile operators, sports channel companies and relevant departments of Qatar Free Zone. Based on the “naked eye 3D technology”, Cloud Vision Network has conducted in-depth discussions with the relevant industry leaders of Qatar. The world-leading "naked eye 3D technology" from China has also become a hot topic of discussion and attracted great attention.

DuringCloud Vision Network's visit to Qatar Free Zone, its director said that the QatarFree Zone needs to introduce high-quality enterprises such as Cloud Vision Network,which has unique leading technology in theworld, to better fulfill the Qatar National 2030 Plan and realize thetransformation of Qatar from an energy-based country to a diversifiedindustrial country.

As the sole partner of Cloud Vision Network in Qatar, Taleb Group plays an important role in Cloud Vision Network's visit to Qatar. Mr. Mohammed Taleb, chairman of the Taleb Group, expressed his willingness to work with Cloud Vision Network to jointly develop the Middle East and the global market and contribute to the China-Qatar economic and trade cooperation.

Group photo of Mr. Zhang Yijun (third from left), chairman of Cloud Vision Network Group, Mr. Mohammed Taleb (fourth from left), chairman of the Qatar Taleb Group, Mr. Wan Qi (second from right), executive director of China Qatar Commercial Center and other partners

Mr.Mohammed Taleb, chairman of Taleb Group, presented the Koran in Chinese versionto Mr. Zhang Yijun, chairman of Cloud Vision Network Group

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