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CQCC Platform Introduction


CQCC is based on China's One Beltand One Road Strategy and Qatar 2030 National Vision Plan. Based on the goodopportunity of the 2022 Qatar World Cup, it is supported by Qatar Ministry ofEconomic Affairs and Qatar Chamber of Commerce, Qatar Talabi Group and Chengdu Yuntou City Internet Technology Co., Ltd.The bilateral business cooperation docking platform is headquartered in Doha, Qatar. 

Based on the principle of opencooperation, equality, voluntariness and mutual benefit, the platform aims toorganize domestic enterprises with professional and technological advantagesand core products to seek business opportunities in Qatar to promote domesticproduction capacity, and to introduce Qatar capital into domestic advantages.Industry, with a view to forming a larger scale of bilateral enterprise supplyand demand docking.

Since the preparation of the platform, the government and business representatives of the Kafang government have successfully organized visits to Chengdu, and successfully organized representatives of Chinese enterprises to conduct business visits and business docking, and achieved fruitful results.



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