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Business Model


  • 1.Capacity Output

    Afterdecades of development, China has ample production capacity, and many companieshave begun to expand overseas markets.

    The first step: Qatar will base China'sproduction capacity on Qatar based on the 2030 national vision plan to improvethe domestic demand of its industrial structure, and become the production baseof Qatar's own country;

    Step 2: Based on its own advantages and influence, Qatarprovides capacity support for the development of the Middle East region, withentrepot trade as the entry point, driving China's Qatar's production capacityto penetrate the market of 400 million people in 25 countries in the MiddleEast.

  • 2.Capital Introduction

    Dueto its extremely rich natural gas resources, Qatar intends to realize naturalgas in advance through financial means and has incalculable financial strength.

    Thefirst step: China's dominant enterprises form a good interaction with Qatar andare closely linked to the Qatar market;The second step: Qatar Capital reverselyinvested in the dominant enterprises and completed the transfer of Qatar'sindustrial structure.

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